Get On In 3d Style

  Guys you know how we try to find the most suited style for our desktop.You need not worry about that anymore because now we have something called 3D desktop which enables to to use six different backgrounds at same time with different applications running in them.

Hope this helps.Cheers!

Useful Sites Edition 4

dae57b6e2b186637b337dfc7b3d2b6d2Hi guys!! Check out the latest Techtron discoveries of useful websites. As usual You’ll find 10 useful websites that you should definitely check out! Hope you find this helpful…

(1) BandwidthPlace: This website is a shopping place for bandwidth related services like DSL, Satellite Internet etc. But all you really look at in this particular website is its speed test with its nice GUI.


(2) LivingInternet: LivingInternet is an online repository for information about the internet. The site gives you information on the internet, email and other stuff based on different criteria like history, design, security etc.

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Reasons to choose Opera over Firefox

firefox-vs-operaFirefox is awesome. Really. Its open source, has an amazing number of add-ons, and blah blah blah. But some things about Mozilla’s web browser just can’t compare to Opera. Here are a few.

#1 Memory. Firefox hogs too much memory whereas Opera doesn’t take so much. Plus, the more the add-ons, the more the weight on your memory. Major Buzzkill.

#2 Opera Turbo. Slow connection? No need to worry. Opera Turbo enables you to browse quickly even with a slow connection.

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Some Websites for Amazing Wallpapers

If you’re anything like me, you’ll be looking for a new set of wallpapers once in a while. But where will you go? Deviant art? Why not something else?

Here are a few good, less known, websites that I’ve found on my wallpaper-hunting campaigns.

wbWallbase: Wallbase really touched me. Its got a neat GUI (very important, mind you) and a huge collection of wallpapers of many resolutions and aspect ratios. You can easily browse the wallpapers of the required specifications without hassle and in a few simple clicks. There’s a “Random” mode of browsing that does what it says. Its simple. Its efficient. Its good.

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Status Update

Hello folks! Its been a long while since something happened here on this blog. And its about time something did happen. I’m taking some initiative to restart it and lets hope it works out. Need lots of support guys.

Yours Truly,

Jayghosh Rao

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